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Information Communications and Technology


Information Communications and Technology introduces students to the physical components and operation of computers. Technology is used to build students decision-making and problem-solving skills. Students should be given the opportunity to seek an industry-recognized digital literacy certification. 

Core Standard 1: Students integrate technology to arrange materials and solve problems efficiently.


Core Standard 2: Students design documents by using complex features of software to develop advanced documents that are user-                                 friendly. 


Core Standard 3: Students apply concepts of spreadsheet software to organize and manipulate data. 


Core Standard 4: Students create a variety of multi-media presentations using appropriate design principles to communicate in a                                       professional manner. 


Core Standard 5: Students synthesize database management concepts to manage, evaluate, and organize information in an                                             effective manner. 


Core Standard 6: Students establish communication and collaboration skills using the internet and social media to increase global                                     awareness. 


Core Standard 7: Students apply technology concepts to take industry standard certifications. 


Core Standard 8: Students connect functions of technology with computer hardware and software so they make decisions about                                       computer technology. 

What you will be learning...
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